Your feedback helps us improve OccaSoftware. Browse existing suggestions or submit your own.
It is inconvenient to download zip files from the website and manually import them. I want to more easily import OccaSoftware assets from the website to my project using the Package Manager or a system like it.
Currently, post-processing assets use the RTHandle API for rendering. Unity deprecated this API for Unity 6 / 2023 LTS and migrated to the Render Graph API.
Most post-processing effects do not work with VR SPI because they do not support render target arrays for binding. Can you add compatibility for VR, especially Quest 2/3?
Most post-processing effects are too performance-intensive for mobile or use graphics API features that are not supported on mobile. Can you add a mobile quality mode or make the assets more scalable for mobile devices?
Add folders, sort able tags or some sort of organization for generated images
Hi, I know it was a free asset but I wanted to let you know that when you keep changing the prefabs, it sometimes crashes on Unity Editor. Here is the StackTrace: at <unknown> <0xffffffff> at UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:Internal_Cull_Injected <0x00077> at UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:Internal_Cull <0x0002a> at UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:Cull <0x0009a> at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDRenderPipeline:TryCull <0x007e2> at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDRenderPipeline:PrepareAndCullCamera <0x01102> at UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.HDRenderPipeline:Render <0x0117a> at UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipeline:InternalRender <0x00058> at UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:DoRenderLoop_Internal <0x001c2> at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void_object_intptr_object_AtomicSafetyHandle <0x000c7> at <unknown> <0xffffffff> at UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderPlayModeViewCamerasInternal_Injected <0x00089> at UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderPlayModeViewCamerasInternal <0x000b2> at UnityEditor.PlayModeView:RenderView <0x00532> at UnityEditor.GameView:OnGUI <0x016a2> at UnityEditor.HostView:InvokeOnGUI <0x00229> at UnityEditor.DockArea:DrawView <0x00042> at UnityEditor.DockArea:OldOnGUI <0x00cb2> at UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer:DoOnGUI <0x00a6e> at UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer:HandleIMGUIEvent <0x0040a> at UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer:DoIMGUIRepaint <0x0056a> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIR.RenderChainCommand:ExecuteNonDrawMesh <0x00683> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIR.UIRenderDevice:EvaluateChain <0x015e2> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIR.RenderChain:Render <0x00782> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIRRepaintUpdater:Render <0x0006a> at UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseVisualElementPanel:Render <0x00025> at UnityEngine.UIElements.Panel:Render <0x00042> at UnityEditor.UIElements.EditorPanel:Render <0x00032> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIElementsUtility:DoDispatch <0x001a2> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIElementsUtility:UnityEngine.UIElements.IUIElementsUtility.ProcessEvent <0x000f2> at UnityEngine.UIElements.UIEventRegistration:ProcessEvent <0x0008e> at <>c:<.cctor>b__1_2 <0x0002a> at UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent <0x001c9> at <Module>:runtime_invoke_void_int_intptr_intptr& <0x00095> If there is a quick fix I am missing, it would be really helpful if you could let me know at gxtaha@gmail.com Thanks
Have an idea? Let us know!