A visual novel that explores the underground art scene of a gritty, urban metropolis. Players navigate the world of struggling artists, street art, and unconventional exhibitions while uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the city's creative underbelly.
Young adults and art enthusiasts aged 18-35 who enjoy narrative-driven games with mature themes and artistic elements.
A sprawling, unnamed city with a thriving but often overlooked underground art scene. The game takes place in various locations including dingy art studios, abandoned warehouses turned into galleries, graffiti-covered alleyways, and gentrifying neighborhoods.
For decades, the city's elite have secretly manipulated the art world, suppressing truly innovative and subversive works while promoting sanitized, commercial pieces. A group of renegade artists have begun to uncover this conspiracy and are working to expose the truth through their art.
The player character, a disillusioned art school dropout, becomes embroiled in the conflict between the underground art movement and the city's corrupt art establishment. As they create their own artwork and build relationships with other artists, they must navigate personal and political challenges while uncovering the truth behind the city's artistic suppression.
A blend of hand-drawn 2D backgrounds with a gritty, sketch-like quality and more polished character sprites. The color palette is muted with occasional splashes of vibrant colors to represent artistic inspiration.
Diverse cast of characters representing various artistic styles and backgrounds. Character designs range from realistic to slightly exaggerated, each with a distinct visual style that reflects their artistic persona.
The city is presented as a series of interconnected locations, each with its own atmosphere and artistic subculture. The world evolves visually as the story progresses, with player actions potentially changing the appearance of certain areas.
A lo-fi hip-hop soundtrack underlies the game, with different areas featuring subtle variations in style. Sound effects are minimal but impactful, focusing on environmental sounds and the noises of art creation. Voice acting is limited to key scenes and important dialogue to maintain the visual novel feel while adding emotional depth.