Beta available until June 1st

C# for Game Dev Mini-Course

Learn the fundamentals of C#. Become a game developer.

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Master C# fundamentals

Gain a strong understanding of C# fundamentals tailored specifically for game development.

Explore game development principles

Learn essential game development concepts, including game loops, physics, and user input handling.

Create your own game

Put your skills to the test and build a complete game from start to finish using C#.

Whether you dream of creating your own video games or aspire to become a professional game developer, this course offers the foundational skills and knowledge you need to start your journey with confidence.

Michael Sacco, the founder of OccaSoftware

Taught by Michael Sacco

(The guy who started OccaSoftware)

Tech Stack

Is this course right for me?

Designed for complete beginners, this course assumes no prior programming or game development experience.

A game controller

Ideal for game enthusiasts

Ideal for game enthusiasts and creative minds eager to bring their game ideas to life using C#, one of the industry's leading game development languages.

A man at a computer

Perfect for developers or designers ready to learn more about game development

Excellent for existing non-game developers or designers ready to take the next step and learn more about how games get made. With game development skills, you can apply cross-functional, cross-domain knowledge to complex problems in your field.

What will I learn?

  • Install and use core tools for game development
  • Basic IDE features like Building, Debugging, and Themes
  • Write your first application with C#
  • Use variables to store and manage data
  • Loop through collections to handle large data sets
  • Make gameplay respond to state with conditionals
  • Design and use classes to define objects in your game
  • Enforce contracts with interfaces

How do I enroll?

Sign up with your email address to make an account. Then start the course below. It's free.

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Popular games made with C#

Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact



Monument Valley

Monument Valley

Escape From Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov

Accelerate your learning journey now

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