The cover for Range Indicator Tutorial - Free Unity Asset

Range Indicator Tutorial - Free Unity Asset

November 6, 2022

Why a free asset?

At OccaSoftware, we are dedicated to supporting indie game developers and small game studios.

To that end, we publish Unity tutorials and provide free assets for Unity. We hope that these tutorials and assets will enable game developers to be able to achieve their goals and produce their projects more quickly, helping them to get their games across the finish line.

About the Asset

For today’s release, we’ve created a brief tutorial covering how to create a range indicator. This targeting indicator can be used to indicate where an ability will be placed (by the player), or where an enemy’s ability will take place. It could also be used to highlight an area that a player needs to stand within or move out of in order to progress gameplay.

These are just a few examples of how this type of asset could be used in your projects - we’d love to feature any project where you use this asset or a version of it, so please let us know and we’ll give you a shout out!

How to Download

You can download this free asset, or you can watch our brief, 4-minute tutorial to make it yourself. The tutorial will also give an overview of the techniques and concepts used in creating the asset so that you can level up your skillset and develop similar features for your own projects in the future.

Screenshot of Unity Editor, Showing Free Unity Targeting Indicator asset

Screenshot of Unity Editor, Showing the Shader Graph for the Free Unity Targeting Indicator

If you like this asset, please consider other OccaSoftware assets for Unity.

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